THIS is an advocacy, education & networking body dedicated to supporting innovation in housing development.



To support innovation in housing development by addressing issues of equity, affordability and sustainability, to deliver thriving communities and social, environmental and financial wellbeing.


THIS aims to support the growth of collective, resident-led solutions for better housing in Aotearoa.


New Zealand’s Housing Crisis.

The housing market in New Zealand continues to be dominated by speculative development models, that have profit as a driver, little or no input from end-users and minimal thought given to the long term well-being of residents.

But there is a better way!

Collective housing is delivered and/or managed in partnership with, or solely by, the resident communities. They are designed to meet the needs of people who live there - these include housing cooperatives, cohousing, community land trusts and papakāinga.

It's time to experiment, to be courageous and to show a genuine openness to new ideas that will give everyone a shot at affordable, quality housing in a thriving community.

AHHA Architects Auckland.jpg

What are the different housing options THIS advocates for?




Community Land Trusts


Join the Revolution.

We are building a network of organisations, who have the tools and skills to help people progress their own projects. We can connect you with these organisations if you are a group ready to go, or thinking about joining a project. We make the space so you can ask questions, and meet others who are interested in living differently. We are a voice for change in the industry and we are actively breaking down the barriers facing alternative development models in New Zealand.

Become a member and join the revolution in innovative housing in Aotearoa.


Become a THIS member.